• Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof?

Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof? - Roofing Tip - Oahu Roofing Contra Back to the top

Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof?

When inspecting your roof for damage, these signs could help you determine if it can be repaired it's time to replace it.

1. Water leaks after heavy rains - If you notice leaks in your attic or around the house after a strong rain, it may be time to check your roof or call a roof repair company. Leaks, if left unattended may lead to decay and mold that can cause further damage.

2. Shingles Curling on the Edges - If you notice that your shingles are cracked or curled on the edges, it may be a more definitive sign that your roof would need to be replaced.

3. Shingle Decay - If you notice mold or mildew growing on your shingles, call your roofer to check if there is more damage than meets the eye.

4. Visible Stains Indoors - if you noticed water stains in your interior walls or ceilings, it may be a sign of roof water damage. It's always a good idea at this point to check for roof damage and contact your local roofer.

Damaged or missing shingles can usually be replaced but may also be a sign that it has reached its full lifespan. If you have roof damage, don't hesitate to contact R&C Roofing Contractors! Call us today for a no obligation roof inspection.

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